Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Time for a change...

*Sigh* I think my love affair with plaster is cooling off. When I first started casting pieces in late Spring, it was all so new and exciting! Now, it seems that the market has become so saturated, even I'm getting weary from seeing all the plaster "Dia de los Muertos" pieces. I will still be making my skull candle holders, because I love giving them each their own personality. I will also add an occasional, different plaster piece here and there. Just a little less than before, because I'm feeling a desire to return to my original love...WOOD! Yes, functional wood pieces and paintings. So, to begin my transition to my new, but old passion, I've created a bread box (in "Dia de los Muertos" theme, of course!). It's on eBay at the moment, and I've been busy creating both wood and plaster pieces this week. I'm off to get back to it....

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