Thursday, January 21, 2010

Master Cleanser - Day 1

For the New Year, Dave and I have decided to clean up our lifestyle. We both have our own businesses, which takes quite a bit of time away from taking care of yourself and we've allowed ourselves to get out of our healthier eating habits. Mainly, we just feel sluggish and are looking to clean out our systems and have a fresh start eating right and being active again.
So, we are starting the MASTER CLEANSER today. It's a type of fast, where you only drink a liquid concoction-no food, caffeine, alcohol, etc. This is not a way to starve yourself-apparently the liquid mix of lemons, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup provide a nutritional blend that sustains your body. It is actually kind of tasty (although Dave accidentaly mixed double the dose of cayenne pepper in the first batch, and nearly burned my throat). You also drink laxative tea and chug salt water to flush your system-sounds great, right? It's not intended to be a diet (although weight loss does occur), but a way to jump start your system with a cleansing of all the junk that builds up in our bodies. I'm hoping to feel more energized, all around better, and if I lose a few pounds in the process-that's okay too. ;) The book recommends a minimum of 10 days, but some people do up to 40! Dave and I are going for 10, and of course, we'll only go that long if we feel okay. If anything, this should be interesting...

Here we go...

Dave looking skeptical...


Anonymous said...

Awesome!! One more thing we have in common!!

MAB from OtterCatHaus said...

Hey, I've been reading about this. Let me know how it goes, okay? And good luck!

Illustrated Ink said...

I will let you know! Thanks for the luck, we may need it! ;)

Laura said...

i did that, so long ago (at least 20 years) and it was horrible. good luck

Illustrated Ink said...

Yikes, thanks Laura! A friend told me to be wary of day 3, this is starting to sound a little scary...

Lucie Le Blanc said...

Not sure about the fast ! lolll

Just be sure to stay healthy, dear ! ;)

Unknown said...

HA! I happen to be on a 9 day detox that I'll be blogging about soon too! I read about the Lemon detox you are on and would not recommend it- without nutritional supplements your body will not be detoxing as effectively- you'll lose muscle rather than fat and will gain it back. If you supplement the water in addition to vitamin supplements and do it for only two days max it'll be far more effective as a detox. 10 days would totally wreck your body!

Anonymous said...

As far as the comment above, I sorta disagree with some of that info.
FIRST!! We MUST remember that nature intended us to be hunters and gatherers, that said, its in our nature to go through at least 6 months were the season was not fruitful and fasting would be an absolute in our lifestyle for very long periods of time. Eating veggies and fruits, etc. is unnatural (to say the least) during the winter season, for these things just do not grow during the winter and wouldn't be part of our winter diet. We would be eating a diet mostly of things we foraged and stored prior to winter.

Leila- I have not done that particular fast, but I have heard of kim Saigh from LA Ink talk about it. She uses it and does yoga, so Im sure something is right. There is not enough scientific research about what happens during a detox, so many people say things but they really don't have a lot of research to back it up. Its all theoretical, which in my opinion, isn't worth the paper its written on. Just listen to your body, it knows more than we think. If you go with what its telling you to do, then you can't go far wrong. Check out this site called Soil and Health Library. They have loads of books you can download for free, but I donated to the man who put it up for download, to pay for his work via paypal. Most of the books on there are out of print and are very interesting to read. There are some detox plans on there that go into detail about what happens, but science is forever changing, and the books being written so long ago, most of it may not be up to date info, but none the less, very interesting!!

Anonymous said...

I feel a bit of a "know it all" on that last comment..

I feel I need to clarify that yes, I agree with Hexotica that doing a detox for very long period of time, without your body being accustomed to it, could be dangerous.

I would suggest working your way up gradually to a longer period of time every month. It is suggested that you should detox once a month, for 3 days and one long detox once a year for 10 days. Its is said that detoxing takes away the energy devoted to digestion (which is equivalent to about 90% of the work your body does) and give it to other bodily processes, by cleansing and repairing cells and organs.

In college, we studies how women in a primitive nature, would actually stop menstruation during the winter due to the lack of fruition of food. And that this could be the link to reproductive cancers we see today. Womens bodies were designed to go through a reproductive hibernation and our great, great, great acestors only had 1/2 as many periods in thier lifetime that the modern woman has today.

So...I would presume that detoxing could be a very beneficial thing, not to the point your not having your period...we really need more research done in this field. It was why I was studying what I was studying in college...there is just not enough info. about it.

sorry for the long winded comment!

Illustrated Ink said...

Hex- Thank you for your concern, and I will be very interested to read about your detox experience! :) I know that there are many different theories, not to mention that what works for one person, can effect another in a neagative way. So, I will be very in tune to what my body is saying during this process.

Kate- I love Kim from LA Ink! I have fasted before too, but never with the master cleanse. I agree that our bodies were intended to go with less food for longer periods of time. I believe that our "obesity epidemic" and general sick population comes from overeating the readily available toxic food and lack of activity in daily life. Thank you for all the great info, and I will check out the soil and health library!

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