I'm offering custom DOTD dog signs in my Etsy shop now, and I think they are perfect for a pet shrine or if you'd like to have a whimsical version of your furry friend. :)
I also haven't forgotten cat lovers (being one myself), so I had to paint a DOTD kitty too.
I've been thinking about doing a DOTD squirrel...would that be too much? What do you guys think? :D
OMG...these are so fantastic! And yes, a squirrel would be awesome. Or a jackalope perhaps?
Oooo...a Jackalope! Now my wheels are spinning, thanks Andrea! ;)
How utterly groovy! Ferrets! Ferrets would be fab!
Any animal that you make on DOTD style would be brilliant I'm sure!
I love both the kitty and the pup!
Mab - Ferrets would be fab! I bet they have a million tiny bones, they have such a long spine too.:)
Pili, thanks for the love!
i love that idea! giraffes are my favorite. . . and a horse or course! you're so talented!
It is very new concept to buy pictures of skeleton pets so that we can make something different but I want to say the truth that I do not like it. If pets put human skeleton pictures then how we feel?
Office chair
Thanks, Abby Jane! ;) I'm getting such good feedback on ideas, giraffes and horses would be cool too!
Helsalee, you are absolutely entitled to your opinion and I appreciate your honesty. I don't paint skeleton animals to be creepy or to offend animals or their owners (I'm a huge animal lover, and have 3 cats). I paint them in the tradition of the Mexican holiday, "Day of the Dead" or "Dia de los Muertos". This holiday honors those we love that have passed on, including our beloved pets. I design these to be hung in shrines or altars. Also though, as a unique pet portrait (for those that are comfortable with it). Not as something scary or to wish death or harm upon any animal. If my cat wanted to honor me by pinning a skeletal image of me on the wall, I'd be cool with it. :D That's what I look like on the inside, and it doesn't bother me.
Oh, I see which one you're talking about! It's art and ain't creepy....I never saw it more than what you said! Plain and simple!
You are so brillant! I am an animal & skeleton lover! I have 10 babies & I LOVE your skeleton pets! ;-}
I have cats, dogs, iguanas, turtles, & a hamster.
Those would make sweet skeleton pets!
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