Taking care of Edward (see last post) has truly been a full time job! I've always had kitties, and never a dog, let alone a puppy. Wow, are they different to care for than kittens!! I had NO IDEA what I was in for. Between potty training, snuggling, playing, crate training, washing his bedding, giving him baths, taking him for walks, feeding, training, taking him for puppy play dates, vet visits, watching his every move, and more training...I'm exhausted. Did I have a baby and miss it?! I always knew mothers worked hard and constantly, but I have a new found respect for them, because I can barely care for a puppy properly. Despite my moments of feeling completely overwhelmed, I'm also completely in love with my new fur baby. :) He is worth it, and I'm slowly learning how to adjust my daily life around Edward and his needs.

I love my new studio space in our house, the light is just fantastic, and I can look out the window at the birdies and squirrels (and Edward bounding after them!). I haven't been able to get too much painting done lately due to my new puppy Mommy status, but I did just complete and list this dresser tray/dish on Etsy, a bit of cherub love for Valentine's day! ;)

Lastly, I'm thrilled to announce that I just became part of the Blue Genie Oasis Texas store! I love participating in their Holiday show every year, and I was honored when they asked me to join their shop! :) If you live in Austin, you should go check out all of the goodies they offer (also the Oasis is a beautiful spot to catch the sunset over Lake Travis while sipping a tasty beverage). Austinites check out the Blue Genie Oasis Facebook page!

congrats on Edward, being in the new shop and ....a toast to your new status as a puppy mommy. It is indeed a very demanding role, if done right and it sounds like you're doing it right. Oma Linda
Oh my, he's such a cutie!!
I'm sure being a puppy mommy must be very tough work, but looking at a face like that... how can you not feel it's totally worth it!
Glad to see you back on the blogosphere though, I can want to see what new and amazing pieces you'll soon have to share with us!
So glad to have you back- I was really beginning to miss your posts! Sounds like you've been a BIT busy, though, so I'll forgive ya ;)
Wow! a lot of exciting doings going on, Ms. Laila…Edward is just the cutest! He reminds me of a little hobbit with those soulful eyes. I love puppies, (esp. puppy breath before they get older) but it taks a huge amount of energy to take care of a new baby puppy. It sounds like you're doing a great job, which doesn't suprise me at all.
And the art show, yayyyyyy! Love the tray, Laila and I'm sure as usual, I'd get to your shop and it would be sold out. Your bloggy friends are still here obviously and it's always good to hear from you and the raising of Edward. You didn't say how the kitties are adjusting and bet that's hilarious : )
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